Weeds of the Season Distracting You?

selective focus photography of white petaled flower

“And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span? If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters? Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith! And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.” 

Luke 12:25-31 (NASB)

Before I retired, I often walked to meetings about ¼ mile away from my office. There was a vacant lot that burst forth in vivid color in the spring, and the flowers bloomed in December. Weeds grew up among the wildflowers, but the flowers lifted their faces to the sun for warmth and nourishment.

In this hustle-bustle season, it’s easy to let the weeds of the season pop up around us. We scurry from one store to the next to buy gifts for people who will return them after Christmas, OR we go from one website to another trying to find the best deal. 

We bake treats that add pounds that we’ll work hard to remove after the New Year. We write newsy letters to people we haven’t spoken to all year. We sing Santa and reindeer songs. Hopefully, we also sing songs about Jesus. We fill our calendars with parties and gatherings. We attend church services and children’s plays. We decorate our homes and offices; several weeks later, we pack the decorations into boxes to store for the next season.

Consider the lilies. They don’t work, but they are glorious. Even the wildflowers give delight—if we stop to notice.

Consider Jesus. What if we took time to lift our faces towards Jesus amid the weeds of the season to let the Son kiss us with His warmth and nourishment?

What if we took time to lift our faces towards Jesus amid the weeds of the season to let the Son kiss us with His warmth and nourishment?

What if we seek His kingdom and the true meaning of His gift to the world first? Could all these things be added, these busy things? Would we see a beauty and splendor that befits the King we serve? Would we behold our Savior in a deeper way?

Father, this is a season that is filled with tradition, festivities, and demands. Sometimes, we drive ourselves to exhaustion. Holy Spirit, give us wisdom as we prepare our homes, our families, and our festivities and prompt us to lift our faces toward Jesus … to wait upon Him in the beauty of His holiness. Thank you, Jesus, for Your gift, You gave Your all for us. You have brought Joy to the world!


  1. What are the weeds that are distracting you from the beauty of this season?
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus upon Jesus as you walk through the wildflowers and weeds.
  3. What action will you take today?

Featured Photo from Pexels.com

3 responses to “Weeds of the Season Distracting You?”

  1. […] Weeds of the Season Distracting You? — Let’s Walk Together in God’s Promises […]

  2. Signora Sheila Avatar

    What if we took time to lift our faces towards Jesus amid the weeds of the season to let the Son kiss us with His warmth and nourishment? Another great one, my friend!!

    1. Karen S. Roberts Avatar
      Karen S. Roberts

      Thank you. May your gaze upon Jesus bless you with His warmth and nourishment.

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