Where is God’s lovingkindness leading you?

Colored RoseAll the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth

It is a great and awesome thing that God gave Himself, so that men and women would be able to live with Him forever.

Declare His lovingkindness in the morning and His faithfulness by night!

The Lord is gracious and merciful;
Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.
The Lord is good to all,
And His mercies are over all His works.
All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Lord,
And Your godly ones shall bless You.
They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom
And talk of Your power;
To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts
And the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. Psalm 145:8-13

Lovingkindness leads us to the manger.
Lovingkindness leads us to the foot of the cross.
Lovingkindness leads us to repentance.
Lovingkindness leads us to thanksgiving.
Lovingkindness leads us to proclaim His mighty works.
Lovingkindness leads us to say, “Come, Lord, Jesus.”
Lovingkindness endures forever.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!

My prayer:

May you be filled with His love to overflowing; may you abound in His peace that passes all understanding; may you bless others widely as you live out the hope that is in you.

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