What’s the Banner You’re Wrapping Your Husband In?

In Southern California, Dodgers banners fly high? Those banners identify the owners as fans of the Dodgers.

The American flag reminds Americans that we are united under one standard, freedom.

We fly banners to remind us of our values, our identities, and our loyalties.

I have a kite that hangs in my bathroom to remind me that the Lord miraculously healed me of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome on November 21, 2010. It serves as His banner of love over me.

Do you have a banner or two?

The Israelites hung banners within the camp in the wilderness to identify the tribes that they belonged to.

The Amalekites attacked Israel after they had escaped from Egypt. Through the protection and power of the Lord, the Israelites defeated the Amalekites.

“Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi (which means ‘the LORD is my banner’),” Exodus 17:15.

Power … Protection … Possessor … Providence …
The LORD is my Banner!

True then, and true today.

The Lord was Israel’s banner. He thought of Israel as His wife.

Jesus thinks of the church as His bride.

Marriage is an earthly illustration of the mystery of the church’s unity with Jesus. Husbands are to love their wives as Jesus loves the church and gave Himself for the church, Ephesians 5:25-32. Banners of love over wives.

[The Shulamite to the Daughters of Jerusalem]
He brought me to the banqueting house,
And his banner over me was love.
Song of Solomon 2:4

The king graciously and abundantly provides and protects in lovingkindness.

And wives are banners of love, provision, and protection to their husbands.

[The Beloved] (Solomon)
O my love, you are as beautiful as Tirzah,
Lovely as Jerusalem,
Awesome as an army with banners
! Song of Solomon 6:4

Together, they possess each other, for they are one flesh, united under God’s banner of love. One flesh united with God, a triple-braided cord that is not easily broken, Ecclesiastes 4:12.

Lord of Heavens Armies, thank You for covering us with Your banner of love. We rejoice as You wrap us in that banner. May we weave a banner of love and wrap our husbands in that love. Braid us together with You, so that there will be nothing that can separate us from each other or from You. Cause us to walk in unity and love with each other and with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How are you covering your spouse with your banner?

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