Breathe In God’s Promises … Breathe Out Your Prayer

Trust in the LORD, and do goodDwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; …” Psalm 37:3-7

“Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Breathe in that promise. That promise is yours. What will you do with that promise?   

“Our prayers are God’s decrees in another shape. The prayers of God’s people are but God’s promises breathed out of living hearts, and those promises are the decrees, only put into another form and fashion.” (C. H. Spurgeon)

Have you thought of God’s promises as His decrees that you can breathe into your soul and heart? What if you intentionally prayed God’s promises, personalizing them and making them your heart’s desire? They’re God’s promises … His decrees … that He has promised to keep.

Some promises are conditional, as is Psalm 37:3-7. We are commanded to trust, do good, dwell in the Promised Land (the place of freedom from slavery to sin), delight in Him, commit our way to Him, trust (the second time mentioned), rest, and wait patiently for Him.

Delight in the Lord. Breathe in His promises and breathe out your prayer.

Related Links

Praying the Lord’s Prayer Differently

How Do We Pray?

The full teaching on Spurgeon’s sermon on “True Prayer – True Power” is below.

“For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory.” 2 Corinthians 1:20 (ESV)

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