Waymaker Reveals the Red Sea Road

“There’s no praying ‘Thy kingdom come’ until you’re living out ‘my kingdom’s done.‘” (Ann Voskamp)

I just read the most vulnerable AND the most beautiful book that I have ever read – a book that took my breath away – even more beautiful than Ann Voskamp’s bestseller, One Thousand Gifts. Waymaker: Finding the Way to the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of is a love story – a love story between Ann and her husband, Darryl – a love story between Ann and God and Darryl – a love story between Ann and her adopted daughter, Shiloh Shalom – a love story filled with broken hearts – a love story overflowing with healing from the Waymaker.

Voskamp begins her love story journey in a stormy sea. Disappointment crashes in on her. Heartbroken husband, adopted daughter facing another heart surgery, and Voskamp in heart failure, she finds her way back to the SACRED, the Waymaker.

She examines the marriage relationship between a man and a woman with the relationship that God cherishes with His people. Similarly, she sees her adopted daughter through the eyes of God and sees herself as His adopted daughter.

“Marriage isn’t about always being happy – marriage is about always growing in the right direction. Life isn’t about avoiding trauma and suffering: life is about growing through it” (p. 329).

The book takes the reader deeper into the heart of Hebrew culture and language and offers a SACRED pattern of thinking that may transform your life. I appreciated learning from the Scripture as she took us on her journey.

Voskamp approaches the Red Sea with Moses and the Israelites. She watches God part the waters of her Red Sea. She steps onto the dry land of the Red Sea Road and takes us by the hand as we walk together between the high waters. We reach the other side, as the soldiers of bondage follow on the road. God dashes the sea upon them, drowning slavery. And we journey on.

Our Waymaker, You are Lord of the seas, Lord of Heaven’s Armies, Lord over all. Thank You for making a way for Your children to walk through the storms of life with You. You wallk with us and pour out Your lovingkindness upon us. Bless Ann Voskamp and her family. Thank You for her loving and patient husband. Bless Darryl with great joy as he continues to serve You and tenderly serve Ann. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

Ellie Holcomb read an article of Voskamp’s and wrote this beautiful song, “Red Sea Road.”

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