49 Years of Blessings

From the beginning of creation, “God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:6-9

Wave after wave of blessings have crested, crashed, and rippled into our lives. With each new wave, we come closer to each other, moving in greater strength and love as one. Your steadfast love and care in the good times and in the troubled times have made all the difference. God has truly joined us together, and no one can separate us.

You are my thundering wave of strength, my deep water wave of hope, my ever-swirling wave of joy, and my unceasingly surging wave of love.

Thank you for 49 years of bountiful blessings that have united us forever.

I love you from the depths of my being. I am yours for all eternity,
Your Beloved

7 responses to “49 Years of Blessings”

  1. […] via 49 Years of Blessings — Walking Together in God’s Promises […]

  2. eguyadeen3 Avatar

    Happy Anniversary

    1. possesshispromises Avatar

      Thank you

  3. riverlifepsalms1 Avatar
    1. Jacquie A. Bradford Avatar

      What a beautiful expression of God’s love expressed in the marriage relationship. Blessings!

      1. possesshispromises Avatar

        Thank you Jacquie. God’s love is reflected in the marriages of His followers as the Holy Spirit works in each marriage partner’s life and in the marriage. The love we have for each other we could never have imagined when we first got married. Wishing you an intimate walk with God as you meditate on His Word and His great love for you. Karen

        1. Jacquie A. Bradford Avatar

          Thank you Karen, I’m grateful for the man of God I’ve walked with for the past 43 years. Blessings.

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