I would have despaired unless …

Flowers-IsraelSeeds sprouted and pushed up through the stony Israeli soil to wait upon the sun for nourishment. In the light of the sun, they blossomed to bless passers-by who shared their beauty with others through photos.

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD  In the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage, Yes, wait for the LORD. Psalm 27: 13-14

What keeps us from despair? Faith that we will see the goodness of the Lord.

What are we to do? Wait for the Lord. It’s an active waiting. It’s being strong and making your heart take courage.

My prayer for you

Father, thank You for the lessons You have placed before us in nature. Teach us their truths and show us how to apply those truths to our Christian walk. Empower us to push through the stony times towards the light of Your own dear Son, Jesus. Show us how to actively wait upon You, and empower us to reflect your light through the beauty You are creating in our lives. Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness.

May the Lord richly bless you and keep you in His goodness as you actively wait upon Him.

8 responses to “I would have despaired unless …”

  1. Stefano Avatar

    i’ve been meditating on this exact scripture for the past week!

    1. possesshispromises Avatar

      Stefano, This is a wonderful Psalm steeped in meaning for you and me, especially. May the Holy Spirit teach you much as you meditate on the Lord’s wisdom. Blessings, Karen

  2. possesshispromises Avatar

    Shelly, Thank you for your reply. I met a woman this morning who has had a desire in her heart for quite some time. She’s been waiting, and now is the time for her to step out in faith. Abraham waited upon the promise of Isaac for 25 years. In that time, God prepared him for his next steps and for the promise. May the Lord prepare you for the plans He has for you, for they are delightful and abounding in blessings. Karen

  3. Shelly Avatar

    There is so much for us to learn and gain in the waiting. It is the time when we really have to “walk by faith and not by sight”. It is the time when we have to keep our eyes open to see what God is doing and it is the time when the Lord develops our character. In the waiting, He prepares us for what He has for us next. May we all seek Him in the waiting. Be blessed today and find a way to bless someone else!

    1. possesshispromises Avatar

      Shelly, Thank you for your reply. I met a woman this morning who has had a desire in her heart for quite some time. She’s been waiting, and now is the time for her to step out in faith. Abraham waited upon the promise of Isaac for 25 years. In that time, God prepared him for his next steps and for the promise. May the Lord prepare you for the plans He has for you, for they are delightful and abounding in blessings. Karen

  4. directorb Avatar

    Great post. Love the line “empower us to push through the stony times”. God bless.

    1. possesshispromises Avatar

      Thank you for your gracious words. Lord, I pray a special blessing upon him. Bless him with Your great and precious promises and abounding wisdom as he waits upon You.

      1. directorb Avatar

        Thank you!

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